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Add a custom Call-To-Action overlay on your destination site. Customize branding, logo, colors, call-to-action and much more.

How it works

LinkDrip lets you create a custom Call-To-Action which will overlay the site you are redirecting to.

Convert 79% better with custom CTAs.

A customer Call-To-Action overlay is known to convert up to 79% better.

Add your own logo + branding

Add your own logo + branding

Upload your own logo and add to the Call-To-Action.

Customize the Call-To-Action

Customize the Call-To-Action

Pick between a broad range of CTA types, colors and styles.

Add your own logo + branding

CTA Buttons

Add a CTA button on top of your targeted site and drive visitors to your landing page.

CTA Buttons

CTA Forms

Capture the visitor's email directly from your targeted site without the need to leave and come back.

CTA Buttons

Start sharing your links in a new, more intentional, way

What your visitors will see is a simple, short link.
What you will see, and be able to do, will give you true superpowers!
main board block